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Suggest a Game
If you know of a game that's missing from our list, or want to add informations to any of the games on our list, feel free to use this form!
Things we're looking for:
Games featuring LGBTQ+ relationships
Games featuring Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Pansexuals, Trans, Nonbinaries, Asexuals, Aromantics, Intersex and anything that falls under the LGBTQ+ umbrella are welcomed.
Additional information or updates on games already on the list
Things we're not looking for:
Games that aren't visual novels or close to a visual novel (VN hybrids are welcomed)
Games featuring underaged people in sexual situations
Games already present on the list if you add no new informations
Games that fetishize LGBTQ+ people/relationships
Suggest a game: Testimonial Form
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