If you're confused about what we mean with some things, or want to suggest a game but are unsure about what to write, you're in the right place!
This is how we show things on the list.

No spice means it's for all ages
Mild Spice means it has some suggestive language, tasteful nonsexual nudity or some implied sexual content
Spicy means it is NSFW, with explicit sexual content.
Very Spicy means the game is not only NSFW, but also explores specific kinks.
Simply put: Games rarely have summaries that go in details when it comes to how sexy/romantic they get.
We don't have time to playtest them all- we rely on you to tell us these things.
So when submitting, please let us know:
If Romance is mandatory to reach a good ending
If Sex scenes can be skipped, either through a toggle or as an in-game choice
If the main character can identify as somewhere on the aroace spectrum
If another character is aspec
Any other info relevant to aspec identities
How do I suggest a game for the list?
Once on the suggest a game page, make sure to read the quick guide on what we're looking for, and what we're not looking for.
Make sure the game you're about to suggest isn't on the list, unless you're suggesting an amendment/update to the game's listing.
We will need:
The name of the game
A link to the game's page, so we can add further infos if needed, and let people find the game if they want to play it.
The price of the game, in American dollars.
All the languages the game is available in, including English (some games aren't translated to English; this allows us to know if it's the case or not)
The Love Interests' Gender Identities. You can select multiples. In the case of a trans character, select the gender they're transitioning to as well; do not select their assigned at birth gender. No Love interests applies if the game doesn't follow a traditional main characterxlove interest plot.
The Main Character's Gender indentity, as well as if they're on the aroace spectrum. No Main Character applies if there is no real main character in the game. Customisable Main Character applies if you can make your own Main Character, including changing their name, appearance, gender identity, etc.
Detail how spicy things become in the game, if it applies.
Tell us on what device the game can be played.
Let us know if there's any upsetting content in the game. This can include lgbtq+phobic content, if it's part of a storyline.
Let us know the genres of the game.
Let us know if the game's creators are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Do be careful not to out them; if this is information you obtained by being close to a dev, but it's not on the game's social medias or the game's page, then don't share it.
Let us know if the game is still in development and for now only has a demo.
Note that you are allowed to spoil us if it's regarding content warning or to explain why the game is LGBTQ+ friendly.